Windows 98 SE


Microsoft's Windows 98 SE  - MSDOS Install, without floppy disk, step by step



What you will require to do this walkthrough is 

  1. A Windows 98 CD

  2. A Computer with CD-ROM access

To start this Windows install. First check that the first boot device in your system BIOS is set to the  CD-ROM Drive.

( To find out how to access the BIOS please refer to your motherboard manual or the manufacturer of your computer. (The system bios can usually be entered on boot, usually by pressing the F1, F2, F8, F10 or DEL key. Make sure you save the settings before exiting))

If you are unsure or don't want to enter the BIOS then just test the computer by putting the CD-ROM in the drive and rebooting the computer. This is the recommended way to install windows.

You will know that your computer will/has booted of CD-ROM when the following screen appears.


Click here for Part 1



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