Windows 98 SE


Microsoft's Windows 98 SE - Floppy and CD Install on Blank Hard Drive



After sometime you will be prompted to restart, Windows will do it itself, you can click on Restart Now to quicken the process. Before you restart remove the floppy boot disk from the drive.

Booting for first time screen will appear.

Now enter your name, company is optional. Click on Next to continue.

Now the License Agreement. Read and if you agree click on "I accept the Agreement" and click next. If you select ""I don't accept the Agreement" then setup will end. 

Now input your product key or certificate authenticity code. This is 16 digits and is located on the back of your CD case or on the Windows 98 Book. If you have an OEM computer then it could be on the side or back of your computer. Click next to continue. 

Next click on Finish.


Click Here For Part 4



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